10th Anniversary of Education in Motion!
Join CSU Dance faculty, regional educators, and guests for four days of interactive workshops and presentations exploring strategies and tools for integrating movement at all levels of learning.
Colorado State University invites Colorado PK-12 educators and administrators to join us in person for presentations, exploration, sharing resources, and expanding our awareness and knowledge of the benefits of movement in the classroom. Guest speakers, university faculty, and education specialists will present the latest research and tools to help you reach more students, offer innovative ways to teach core curriculum, and learn how our state supports our efforts.
- Movement fundamentals with integrated lesson plan ideas
- Social & emotional learning tools & initiatives
- Mindfulness practices for students and teachers
- Movement and our nervous system
- Improvisational practices
- Inclusive & equitable learning environments supported with movement in mind
- Culturally relevant pedagogy
- Music and movement!
- Practice basic creative movement fundamentals that can be immediately integrated into core content areas
- Ready to use supplemental movement lesson plans
- Time for self-discovery, self-nourishment, and connection with other educators
- Ideas and strategies for co-regulation and meeting diverse needs
- Accessible and relevant content to enhance the learning of your students
Join CSU Dance faculty, regional educators, and guest presenter Ann Biddle to explore strategies and tools for integrating movement at all learning levels.
Ann Biddle is a Professional Learning and Curriculum Senior Consultant for the Dance Education Laboratory (DEL) and a nationally recognized professional learning expert in dance education. She received the NDEO Outstanding Leadership Award in PK-12 Dance Education in 2023. Ms. Biddle is a doctoral student in the Dance Education EdD program at Teachers College and a recipient of the Susan Furhman and Arnhold Foundation scholarships. Ms. Biddle is a Dance Lecturer at UMASS/Amherst and has taught as a visiting scholar at Kenyon College, Ball State University, and Mt. Holyoke College. Her research interests include teacher education and preparation in K-12, transformative adult learning and leadership, educational mentoring and coaching, and dance and social justice.
CSU Faculty
- Lisa Morgan
- Emily Morgan
- Judy Bejarano
- Grace Gallagher
- Susie Garifi
- Madeline Harvey
- Jessica Loveall, co-director, pk-12 school psychologist, SEL/dance educator
Additional Guests
We will be joined by community and regional educators, specialists in social and emotional learning, mindfulness and access and inclusion.
- Pamela Barker, Education Psychology and Social & Emotional Learning
- Dr. Patricia Vigil, Director of CSU University Partnerships and Student Success
- Ernan Torrez and FocoFlava
Co-directed by Lisa Morgan, CSU Dance, and Jessica Loveall, Poudre School District and CSU Dance
Dates: June 9-12, 2025
Cost and Registration
- Cost/Tuition: $265; Registration is open
- For 2025, the Education in Motion professional development seminar will be offered as a 2-credit course (D 696) with application and registration through CSU Online. The course will still be held in person at the University Center for the Arts.
- Seminar enrollment is limited to 30