Dance Outreach Ensembles

Auditions for the Dance Repertory Outreach ensemble are held at the beginning of each semester.

Dance Repertory Outreach

Students registered for the newly revised D 340 Dance Repertory Outreach course work together to develop interactive lecture-demonstration performances presented free of charge at community venues. Engagement with local organizations such as preschools, elementary schools, middle schools, high schools, and/or senior centers takes place throughout the semester that the course is offered. Both educational and entertaining, these programs are designed to make dance accessible to the public, and demonstrate how dance is an organic part of everyone's daily routine.

Spring 2019 marked the inaugural semester of CSU's Dance Repertory Outreach course. University dance majors reached approximately 475 members of the Northeastern Colorado community, ranging in age from three to one hundred. Through dance performances, lecture-demonstrations, and workshops, CSU students discover the power of dance as a vehicle for expression, reflection, imagination, and relationship-building. These experiences instill an appreciation for flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. Community participants express an appreciation for the opportunity to learn new skills, exercise creativity, and move together in a social environment. 

For more information about the ensemble, contact Assistant Professor Madeline Harvey at or call (970) 491-4244.