LEAP Students to Present at International Conference

This fall, students from the LEAP Institute for the Arts (Leadership, Entrepreneurship, Arts Advocacy, and the Public) will attend the 8th Conference of the Research Network: Sociology of the Arts of the European Sociological Association, which will take place at “Babes-Bolyai” University in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Sept. 4-6.

Graduate students from the LEAP Master of Arts Leadership & Administration program at CSU have been invited to present their research at the conference. Additionally, in partnership with students from Leipzig University, these students will present a session entitled “Perspectives for Arts Management: Framing the Future.”

“We feel that this kind of communication and interaction with our international peers is what is needed for the arts today to ensure they will continue to thrive tomorrow,” said LEAP graduate student Samantha Rose, who will attend the conference in September. “As a relatively new program at CSU, I know my classmates and I are extremely proud to have been asked to represent Colorado State University on an international level.” Read more from Samantha.

This conference will provide opportunities for networking and relevant discussions that will deepen roots and relationships within the arts management community and bring visibility to the LEAP Institute for the Arts.

With the support of the university and the Department of Music, Theatre & Dance, the cadre of graduate students presenting at and attending the conference is seeking financial support to make the trip possible.

Donations to support this group of students at the Sociology of the Arts Conference in Romania can made online or by mail to the CSU Foundation, 410 University Services Center, Fort Collins, CO 80523.

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The LEAP Institute for the Arts recognizes that success in the arts is being redefined in the 21st century, and that the skills needed to be a successful artist extend beyond the studio, stage, and performance hall. An innovative mind, an entrepreneurial spirit, and a passion for the arts are all essential for success. These principles are not just exclusive to artists, but serve all students well, no matter where their career leads them.