School of Music, Theatre, and Dance Host 2024 Inaugural Wellness Week

The School of Music Theatre and Dance hosted an inaugural Wellness Week, April 8th – 12th. Hosted by SMTD's Justice, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion (JEDI) committee, this week-long event included a plethora of activities designed to increase mindfulness, self-care, and community building.

Staff, students, faculty, and community partners collaborated to provide opportunities for discussion, reflection, and connection. Artistic research requires a uniquely full-bodied experience and many late nights spent in rehearsals and practice studios. SMTD Wellness Week offered a helpful change in pace and break from regularly scheduled classes to recharge and reflect.

In Fall 2023, the JEDI committee conducted a student climate survey and catered this year's initiatives in direct response to student feedback, especially in the areas of mental health and wellbeing, community building, equity, and access to and awareness of resources.

Activities included:
Labyrinth Community Walk

SMTD Wellness Week Labyrinth Walk pictured

Habic Therapy Dogs & Cats

2024 Wellness Week Caring Canines Pictured

Rams Against Hunger - Food Pantry Tour

Trauma Informed Yoga

Hip Hop Community Dance Class

2024 Wellness Week Hip Hop Class pictured

2024 Wellness Week Hip Hop Class pictured

Community Caring Canines


Coffee with a Cop
Resource Fair (10 tables!)

2024 Wellness Week Resource Fair
UpBeat Drumming Session
Equity Centered Feedback
Coloring Pop-Up Spots

Co-chair of the JEDI committee, Elise Kulovany said, "It's amazing to have a week filled with a range of events that catered to everyone within our community. It was great seeing students walk away feeling happy and refreshed at an often-stressful time of the school year."

Fellow co-chair, Susie Garifi expressed deep appreciation for the time and efforts of each vendor, facilitator, and participant. "Together we were able to provide a variety of pop-up sessions to our SMTD community that were both beneficial and meaningful."

SMTD JEDI committee's next event is The Great Spring Mingle: A Community Gathering to Celebrate and Highlight the Diverse Community Housed in the University Center for the Arts. This May event will  include games, food, makers market, and live prepared and improvisational performances across disciplines.